Our Research
Congo Research Group (CRG) provides bilingual coverage of political and
security developments in the Congo. We dissect the country’s conflict and
represent the voice of the Congolese. Here are some of our latest research projects:
DR Congo: System Vulnerability of the Kivu Security Tracker
UDPS, yoka base ! The difficult quest to build a grassroots-led party

National Politics
All that glitters: The struggle over Congolese gold

Violent Conflict
Le déploiement du contingent angolais relèvera-t-il le défi du désarmement du M23 ?

A Majority of Congolese Reject East African Community Regional Force

Violent Conflict
Congo Siasa: Discrimination and the M23 rebellion

Violent Conflict
Our Pillars
Violent Conflict
Uncovering and understanding the protagonists of the violence affecting millions of Congolese
Violent ConflictPolitical Economy
Digging into the exploitation that keep the Congo’s riches from its citizens
Political EconomyNational Politics
Furthering debate around what the Congo of tomorrow should look like
National PoliticsOur collection of investigative research reports, multimedia, and data on the Congo.
Our project
with Human
Rights Watch
The Kivu Security Tracker maps violence, analyzes trends, and documents human rights violations in Eastern Congo.